
Taking UNC 艺术 to National, Global Stages

Group of students playing music.


Performing and Visual 艺术 students take their talents on the road to the delight of audiences in New York City, the Dominican Republic and the Czech Republic. 

虽然体验式学习不仅流行,而且对学生的成功至关重要 在高等教育中,通常是那些足够幸运能负担得起学费的人 cost of such experiences, such as studying abroad.  

表演与视觉艺术学院(PVA)院长克里斯蒂娜·戈莱蒂,艺术硕士,这是 something she hopes to tackle at UNC as she begins her third year.   

戈莱蒂认为,这些旅行不仅是体验式学习,也是一种文化体验 immersion and on-the-job training for a wide array of students.  

“鉴于许多来到皇冠app官方版下载的学生的社会经济背景,我们必须 acknowledge that not everyone has 旅游资源. Since these experiences are very important and we want to provide them, it is crucial that we find the necessary resources.”     

当多米尼加共和国国家剧院主任邀请PVA教授 of Music, Socrates Garcia, D.A., ’13, to perform 在圣多明各 around its 50th 周年纪念时,戈莱蒂考虑了如何让学生们充分利用这次旅行, 教职员工. This is the definitive example of experiential learning, which 在实践中学习的过程是否包括实习、学徒和学习 abroad, field research and more, according to the Institute for Study Abroad.  

 What resulted was a week-long trip for more than 40 university performers who led 讲习班,参加课程,授课,并最终在全国演出 爱德华多·布里托国家剧院,当时挤满了2000人,其中包括 the Vice Minister of Culture and the U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic. 的 trip was made possible by a grant from the U.S. 大使馆.   

有着悠久历史和音乐传统的康帕斯爵士乐团, 这所大学最重要的爵士乐团,学到了很多皇冠app安卓下载安装非洲裔拉丁裔的根源 和非裔古巴爵士音乐,特别是用多明尼加鼓线演奏 岛上爵士乐界的标志性人物,包括菲利克斯·加西亚“El Abuelo”,劳尔 桑切斯,拉蒙·帕帕廷·德·卡斯特罗,埃迪斯·古鲁·桑切斯,里奥·皮门特尔和哈维尔 巴尔加斯.  

多米尼加共和国之旅只是PVA学生三次体验旅行中的一次 参与2023年. More than 90 choir students traveled to New York City to perform 在著名的卡内基音乐厅和五个设计与技术专业的学生建造了 展示了一个互动装置的物品和他们背后的个人故事 in the Czech Republic at 的 Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space. 的 前者成立于1967年,致力于为演出、舞台设计带来最好的效果 and theatre architecture to the front line of cultural activities.  

所有这些经历之所以成为可能,在一定程度上要归功于PVA学生旅行 Experiences Fund supported by the generosity of alumni and donors.  

Goletti championed the creation of the student travel fund, which was launched as part of the 2023 Bears 给 Back Day of 给 and is now a permanent fund donors 可以支持. 捐赠给该基金的款项直接支持了这三种课堂外的体验 2023年的经历.   

就像其他四所学院的学生经历一样,这些都是在职经历 experiences for PVA students, which is critical to their professional success.  

“的 arts are not something you just do for passion. While passion is important, it’s 一份事业,”戈莱蒂说.   

音乐技术总监苏格拉底·加西亚(Socrates Garcia)说,这次经历是为了 his students 在圣多明各 was one-of-a-kind.  

“It was a dream come true … we had been talking about it for 10 years … I hope it opens a lot of doors for UNC,” Garcia said. 学生们欣喜若狂. 你可以 看到它. 他们在冒泡.”   

对爵士研究博士生汤姆·卡尔(Tom Call)来说,这是一个沟通文化的机会 还有音乐障碍.   

“作为一名作曲家和表演者,这是一个难以置信的机会和荣誉 chance to share my music with the world in this small way. And I look forward to exploring 在这次文化交流中与我们分享的音乐和思想,”卡尔说.   

对于灯光和声音设计教授布莱恩·哈普契奇来说,他想给他的学生 这种经历与他参加布拉格四年展时的感受相似 Performance Design and Space in 2015.   

哈普契奇亲自挑选了五名高年级学生,他知道他们能够胜任创作戏剧的挑战 installation for the Prague competition Festival of the Rare. 在这个主题下, 在2022年秋季学期,哈普契奇的学生们一直在设想什么是社会上罕见的 the answer to this question in a way that would be experiential for an audience. 他们 were doing something called scenography, which includes the use of scenic design, 灯光设计,声音设计和服装设计,以创造舞台环境或氛围.   

学生们思考着这个世界已经变得多么两极化,多么充满政治色彩 conversations can result in people not really listening to each other. 这是当 他们邀请社区成员带来物品并记录他们的故事 about them, which would create a much more inclusive and intimate experience. 那些 然后,这些物品被收集在一个名为“你能听到我吗”的装置中,并被贴上标签 with a QR code, which the audience could scan to play the owner’s recording.   

Hapcic said the students had the experience of a lifetime in Prague.   

“他们 were all blown away, of course, like I was in 2015...他们会携带一些 these ideas with them into the world,” Hapcic said. “Only 12-13 schools were selected 全球40个国家中.”   

Finally, for the choir trip to Carnegie Hall, Choir Director Jill Burgett, D.A.,需要 想办法资助90多名学生在纽约旅行、住宿和用餐, 昂贵的努力.   

学生旅行基金为这次旅行提供了12.4万美元,使90多人得以旅行 UNC students to perform Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana to a nearly packed house.  

皇冠app官方版下载合唱团在卡内基音乐厅的首演给学生们留下了深刻的印象 校友也一样.  

凯瑟琳·弗里兰,96岁,在PVA学习表演,在纽约住了 10 years but hadn’t had a chance to visit Carnegie Hall, was at the performance.  

“能在那个著名的地方听到母校的合唱团真是令人激动. 表演非常精彩,我真的是有史以来最自豪的一名皇冠app官方版下载学生 熊,”弗里兰说.  

对戈莱蒂来说,所有这些机会都是让皇冠app官方版下载名声大开的有效途径 世界表演艺术和视觉艺术提高了大学的知名度 to national and global audiences as an excellent place to study the arts, both at the undergraduate and graduate level.  

例如,戈莱蒂在多米尼加共和国期间会见了副部长 皇冠app安卓下载安装那个国家的大学毕业生有机会 continue their doctoral studies at UNC as there are no graduate programs in music 在圣多明各.  

这也是为了让皇冠app官方版下载的学生走上世界舞台,这需要额外的 资金使之成为可能. 

据CNBC报道,“出国留学的费用可能是最大的决定之一 决定谁去的因素. Students who come from demographics more likely to be able 来支付额外的费用——比如那些来自富裕家庭的人,他们的比例不成比例 white — seem to be more likely to go abroad.”  

While these PVA trips are less time-intensive, they do open doors for students. 

“的re’s a different experience as a performer when you walk on the Carnegie Hall 阶段. It means something different; you feel you are part of a tradition. 你是 踏上一个舞台,这里曾经有最伟大的作曲家、歌手和表演者,” Goletti说.   

“的se are deep educational experiences,” Goletti说. “你的知识增加了一个 切口. 的 exponential growth that can happen through these trips is incredible.”  

根据Farouk Dey博士的说法.D., vice provost for integrative learning and life design at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, such experiences are critical. 作为 领英十大教育之声,他对未来的研究得到了认可 of work, and diversity, equity and inclusion.  

“的se experiences are just too important to miss. 他们 are the experiences that prepare 学生为劳动力,经验,扩大学生的思想和扩大 他们的网络,”戴伊说.   

“它们是激励学生做出大胆决定和大胆的经历 移动.” 

UNC students and conductor on 阶段.

UNC Director of Music Technology Socrates Garcia, who is originally from the Dominican Republic, conducted part of the concert.


Photos from Performing and Visual 艺术 faculty, staff and students