

Undergraduate student points out into the ground at the 2024 UNC commencement ceremony.


保持大学教育的可负担性和可获得性是皇冠app官方版下载的核心. 那些 attributes represent the university’s core values of students first, social mobility 以及行动中的多样性. 越来越多的学生和家庭需要支付学费 college, or even to delay or forgo a college education, prompted the university to 创建一个项目来消除经济障碍:皇冠app官方版下载学费承诺.

新项目将于2024年秋季启动,全额支付标准学费和学费 mandatory fees for eligible incoming and current undergraduate students who are Colorado residents whose household’s Adjusted Gross Income falls below $65,000 or whose Student 援助指数(SAI)为3,000或以下.


“The UNC Tuition Promise exemplifies UNC’s commitment to being Students First,” said 安迪·范斯坦总统. “在皇冠app官方版下载,我们努力消除障碍,为学生提供 an affordable path to earning a degree, bettering their lives and their communities, 为科罗拉多州做出贡献.”   

For students from low-income families, the path to a college degree can be particularly 具有挑战性的. 历史上,社会经济地位较低的人受教育程度有限 高中毕业后的机会. 这种差异从种族和 ethnically diverse backgrounds and students who are the first in their family to attend 上大学更难. 财政问题是最重要的障碍之一 这些学生从大学毕业. 

This has prompted the university to double down on its commitment to low-income students with the UNC Tuition Promise, which pays for up to 16 credits or a maximum of $5,836 每学期. 随着时间的推移,助学金将随着学杂费的增加而增加 steady financial support for the duration of a student’s academic education and offer peace of mind and reduced stress allowing students to remain in college and persist 向着毕业和向上的经济和社会流动.

A 2017 study from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation reported that students from the bottom socioeconomic quartile are eight times less likely to earn a bachelor’s degree than 来自社会经济水平最高的四分之一的学生——7人.4%对60%. 

联合国军司令部致力于缩小这一平等差距. 除了透明的时候 与学生和家长沟通财务信息,使他们能够赚更多 informed decisions, the university has developed programs that supplement state and 联邦资助减轻学生的经济负担. 

学生和校友形容皇冠app官方版下载是一个让他们有归属感的地方. 这个意义上 归属感是大学的核心属性. 去年,UNC成立了 another important initiative to help ensure that Colorado high school students know 他们属于皇冠app官方版下载-科罗拉多大学第一年入学保证 计划. 

这个新项目简化了大学录取过程,并有助于提高清晰度 and confidence among high school students who are considering college as a next step. 这是该州首个此类项目,该项目保证录取符合条件的学生 并向他们证明上大学是可以实现的. Together with the UNC Tuition Promise, UNC is making a strong case to attract students 谁可能不上大学. 自执行以来,联合国军司令部经历了 申请和被大学录取的学生质量的提高.

“When you pair the Tuition Promise with the Colorado 一年级 Admission Guarantee initiative, UNC is well-positioned to serve as Colorado’s premier regional comprehensive institution where equitable access and success are at the core of the student experience,”

UNC’s 皇冠app官方版下载 Guarantee for first-year Colorado resident students removes the guesswork 从皇冠app官方版下载过程来看,提供透明度和确定性. 学生是 academically qualified and meet standard requirements are guaranteed automatic admission 进入大学.

Students from Weld County also benefit from additional support when they attend UNC, 感谢光明未来计划. 通过学费援助计划,获得资格 居住在该县的学生在皇冠app官方版下载学习期间每年可获得3500美元. 明亮的 “未来”是维尔德县一项旨在加强社区的劳动力倡议, has no income requirements for recipients and scholarships do not need to be repaid. 

These tuition assistance and scholarship programs make earning a UNC degree more affordable 和可访问. 皇冠app官方版下载明确以学生为中心,提供大量资金 aid and support for students to complete their degrees, setting them up for success 在他们的事业和生活中. 然而,有时资金缺口仍然存在. 资助的 奖学金可以补充经济援助项目,让钱花得更远,所以 皇冠app官方版下载的学生毕业时没有债务或债务大大减少. 

“Our alumni and friends are highly invested in helping today’s students succeed and often that means supporting scholarships to help them persist to graduation,” Vice 2003年,大学促进委员会主席艾莉·斯特格·哈斯科特说. 

去年,皇冠app官方版下载颁发了2000多份捐助者资助的奖学金,总额近1000万美元 $7.500万年. 这些捐助者的投资是对当今学生的信心投票 and a critical way that UNC keeps a college education within reach for more students.”  

UNC students graduate with less 债务 than any other four-year public doctoral university 多亏了经济援助和奖学金. 根据 根据教育数据倡议,平均学生贷款债务(包括联邦和私立学校 私人)在2023年超过了37,088美元. 皇冠app官方版下载的毕业生在获得学位后会过得更好 本科学历——联邦贷款债务中位数
of $20,470. 


Despite financial aid and programs like the UNC Tuition Promise that help reduce the 对于学生来说,大学教育是有代价的. 虽然成本很重要 因素,价值也是如此.

Economist David Autor attributes the growing education gap as a major cause of income 不平等:“……家庭面对时不可避免的价签冲击 the cost of college should not obscure the fact that the real lifetime earnings premium 大学教育可能是前所未有的高.”

事实上,获得四年制学士学位的人平均收入为2美元.800万年 over a 40-year career, nearly double what high school graduates make in the same period, 根据美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS, 2023).

However, according to a poll by the Wall Street Journal and NORC at the 大学 of Chicago in 2023, the public has grown increasingly skeptical about the benefits 拥有大学学位. 但只有1%的劳动力反映了没有上过大学的工人 根据一项名为“学习与收入”的研究报告,获得学位的人收入在13万美元或以上 Degrees” published last year by the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown 大学.

学士学位已经被证明是有弹性的,可以为你提供抵御风浪的保护 以及就业市场的低迷. 拥有学士学位的人很容易被雇佣 适应不断变化的工作环境. 他们也面临着低得多的失业率.5% 与6相比.美国劳工统计局的报告显示,只有高中文凭的人占2%. 失业 rate is lowest for those with a bachelor’s or higher degree, nearly one-fifth of the 根据国家统计局的报告,没有大学学位的人的失业率 教育统计中心.

“The Tuition Promise initiative is a testament to UNC’s commitment to serving Colorado students by removing financial barriers to enrolling and completing their degree programs,” 学生事务和皇冠app官方版下载服务副总裁塞德里克·霍华德说.D.  

Helping students pay for college goes beyond covering their costs and reducing their 债务负担. 这意味着提高学生和家长对学费和学费的理解 投资皇冠app官方版下载教育的价值. 这所大学仍然坚定不移地履行自己的承诺 to address large and small financial obstacles students face during their education 因此,他们可以坚持到毕业,而不会累积压倒性的,永久性的 债务.

The Tuition Promise program will benefit approximately 1,000 currently enrolled undergraduates and all incoming students who are Colorado residents or ASSET-eligible students (undocumented students who attended a Colorado high school for at least one year before graduation 或在科罗拉多州完成GED). 

不需要申请,所以这个过程对学生来说很简单. 要获得资格,他们只需 need to be full-time students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree and meet program 要求,其中包括:  

  • 是科罗拉多州居民或符合条件的ASSET学生.
  • Have a household Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $65,000 or less or a Student Aid Index 3000人或更少.  
  • Be enrolled in 12 to 16 credits and maintain satisfactory academic progress, a requirement 让学生获得联邦资助. 
  • 提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)或科罗拉多申请 6月1日前申请国家财政援助(CASFA).
  • 应用 for and receive College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend, which provides per-credit 州政府为符合条件的州内学生提供的学费补贴.