
A Single Gift of $25 Million Will Help Train the Next Generation of Physicians in 科罗拉多州 

Doctors in a group setting, focused on studying osteopathy.

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感谢韦尔德信托公司的慷慨捐赠 这所大学离建立学院的目标又近了一步 of Osteopathic 医学 to meet the critical and growing demand for doctors across 国家. The $25 million, earmarked for the 提出了大学, is the largest single 礼物 in the school’s history as well as the single largest 礼物 ever awarded by The 焊缝的信任.

焊缝的信任 是一个慈善基金会,向非营利组织提供资助, 学校和政府机构在健康和教育方面的计划和项目 在韦尔德县.

转型投资不仅将支持解决国家的问题 医生短缺,但这也将有助于使成千上万的人更容易获得医疗服务 我们的.     

“As an organization focused on health and education, we are proud and thrilled to 将这笔赠款授予皇冠app官方版下载骨科医学院,”董事会成员汤姆·格兰特说 韦尔德信托的主席. “A project of this magnitude dictates the need 的合作 and financial support toward building a strong foundation. 我们预料到这种医疗 学校最终会给医疗领域带来巨大的变化,尤其是 为我们的当地社区.”   

由于担心科罗拉多州对医生和大学的需求日益增长 role in addressing that challenge, UNC began exploring the idea of creating  
在与领导们交谈后,于2021年春天来到了一所骨科医学院 of local hospital systems and the community.   

 “自从我们1889年建校以来,北科罗拉多大学已经取得了重要的成就 为满足该州的教育和劳动力需求做出了贡献,”皇冠app官方版下载校长说 安迪·范斯坦博士.D. “This includes a history of excellence in health care and health 例如我们的护理学院,它培养了一代又一代的护士 for Coloradans today,” added Feinstein.   

 “随着我们州的不断发展,UNC再次被要求解决关键的劳动力问题 短缺——这一次是医生短缺,尤其是那些专注于初级保健和执业的医生 在农村地区. Together, with visionary health care and philanthropic leaders, like 韦尔德信托和其他机构,皇冠app官方版下载准备再次回应这一呼吁。.

The Association of American Medical Colleges projects the United States will face a physician shortage of between 37,800 and 124,000 by 2034. 短缺主要是 受人口增长和人口老龄化的推动,以及人口老龄化 health care workforce, of which a significant number will be at retirement age in 接下来的几年. That national data reflects a similar story closer to home, as 过去十年,科罗拉多州的人口增长进一步加剧了当地的短缺, 这几乎是全国平均水平的两倍,而且活跃医生的比例很高 aged 60 or older who are expected to exit the workforce in 接下来的几年. 

根据美国.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, less than 35% 我们的’ needs for physicians is currently being met. 这是一个最明显的问题 in rural and underserved communities like Weld County and so many others across the state, negatively affecting access to care. Additionally, the Robert Graham Center 预计到2030年,科罗拉多州将需要额外的1773名初级保健医生, 自2010年以来增长了49%. 

“韦尔德信托基金专门为韦尔德县服务,其中包括许多农村社区,” explained Jeff Carlson, CEO of The 焊缝的信任. “There is an increasing disparity between the demand for physicians in these areas versus the supply. 如果皇冠app官方版下载招收学生 对于医学院来说,在农村环境中训练他们,这增加了可能性 of them practicing in a rural community. Our goal is that Weld County communities 将有当地的医疗资源,他们需要能够茁壮成长,” 卡尔森说. 

这些 significant challenges will continue to escalate if not addressed. 2021年末, 皇冠app官方版下载与一家独立咨询公司合作进行可行性研究以进行评估 市场需求、经济影响以及卫生保健提供者的能力和承诺 支持临床实习. 

这项研究的结果很明确——科罗拉多目前的医学教育基础设施 没有培养足够的医生来满足当前和未来的需求,也没有提供支持 the demand for 学生 who want to pursue medical education in 国家. 这些研究结果, 再加上来自大学社区和董事会的大力支持 以及卫生系统,成为UNC对社区的反应背后的驱动力 call to act and begin working to establish a College of Osteopathic 医学. 

“There are many aspects of UNC that will allow us to develop a unique and special 大学. Most osteopathic medical schools are housed in private nonprofit and a few 在营利性大学. UNC COM will be only the ninth 大学 located within 公立大学. There is also a need to increase diversity in the medical profession. 同时,越来越多的黑人和西班牙裔学生进入医学院 these numbers still need to increase. The American Medical Association recognizes 卫生专业人员的种族和族裔多样性对获取机会产生了积极影响 to care and the quality of care provided to underserved populations. UNC的承诺 多元化为开发以指导和招聘为目标的项目提供了基础 of underrepresented minority medical 学生.”  ——贝丝·朗格内克博士.O., M.S., FACOEP, FACEP Founding dean, UNC College of Osteopathic 医学 

在过去的两年中,该大学已经采取了几项重要措施,使 成为它的网站 vision of a new College of Osteopathic 医学 a reality.  

  • 它已向骨科委员会提交申请并被授予申请人身份 大学认证.  
  • It has received statutory authorization from 国家 to offer specialized degree 通过3月份一致通过的SB22-056法案 2022.  
  • 它聘请了贝丝·朗格内克(Beth Longenecker).O., M.S., FACOEP, FACEP, as founding dean for the 提出了大学.  
  • 它已经筹集了超过3000万美元的慈善资金来支持这个项目,并开始了 work with other donors and state partners to secure the remaining funds necessary.  
  • 它开始确保第三年和第四年所需的必要临床轮转地点 学生.   

“我很感谢韦尔德信托公司董事会和员工的远见卓识 礼物. Their investment, along with commitments from other local philanthropists, signals 很明显,科罗拉多州必须准备更多的医生,”2003年的艾丽·斯蒂格·哈斯科特说, vice president of University Advancement. “This transformational 礼物 is an example of what happens when people come together around a shared purpose.”  

According to Feinstein, the university’s next steps include securing the remaining 为必要和持续的工作提供资金,以确定需要确保的主要卫生保健伙伴 clinical rotations and other opportunities  

“随着我们在开设整骨医学学院方面取得进展,我们将寻找 对于整个州的利益相关者,包括我们的民选官员和医学界的领导者, to join us in meeting this important need,” said Feinstein.  


这所大学决定创建一所授予骨科医学博士学位的学院 (D.O.) degrees, as opposed to one that grants Doctor of 医学 (M.D.)度,因为 整骨疗法是美国发展最快的医疗保健行业之一 a field with a long tradition of providing care in rural and underserved areas. 这些 are exactly where 科罗拉多州 needs doctors now.

In addition, a College of Osteopathic 医学 builds on UNC’s existing strengths and depth in both the sciences and health sciences. 皇冠app官方版下载是全国排名第一的大学 nursing and public health programs as  
以及行为科学、生物学、化学、听力学和言语语言方面的课程 病理. 

虽然医学博士和医学博士都要经过四年严格的医学院和其他课程 residency training to be eligible to practice medicine in the U.S. DOs也受过 培训 认识到身体所有系统之间相互关联的统一性,包括一个额外的 200 数小时的肌肉骨骼系统研究与动手肌肉骨骼训练.  

Explosive Growth Predicted in Osteopathic 医学  

“在过去的三十年里,DOs和 骨科医学 学生的总数 has more than quadrupled to reach 186,871 in 2023. Currently representing more than 11% of all physicians and 25% of all medical 学生 in the U.S.整骨疗法 medical profession is positioned to continue growing exponentially.”  

– Source: American Osteopathic Association  

 在2022-23学年,超过3.5万名骨科医学学生正在学习 to become osteopathic physicians, an all-time high. 这代表了77%的增长 在过去十年中.”  

– Source: American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic 医学  

  “As a profession, DOs are more likely to enter into primary care—nearly 57% of DOs 而28%的MDs.”   

– Source: American Medical Association, 2020-21 report 

Confident female physician smiling at the camera.

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