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Editor’s Note: 校友的笔记 items are submitted by alumni and are not verified by 编辑. 虽然我们欢迎校友的消息, UNC杂志 is not responsible for the information contained in these submissions.


  • 70s

    Claude d ' estracei, B.A. ‘70, Denver, was named to the 国际 Advisory Board of the 国际 Commission for Human Rights and Religious Freedom. 

    阿摩司 Wipf, D.A. ’70, Cleveland, Georgia, celebrated his 100th birthday and was honored by The White County Board of Commissioners who proclaimed March 7, 2024, as Dr. 阿摩司 怀特县的塞缪尔·威夫·戴. 

    史蒂夫·安东诺普洛斯,B.A. ’72, M.A. ’73, Limon, longtime Denver Broncos athletic trainer and director of Sports Medicine, honored as Pro Football Hall of Fame 奖 of Excellence 收件人. Antonopulos retired from the Denver Broncos after more than four decades 与 

    米歇尔·布朗,B.A. ’74, Buffalo, New York, received the Howard Levine award from the New York State Bar, the Attorney of 年度大奖 from the Bar 协会 of Erie County and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Appellate Division, 4th Department. 

    戴夫·卡特,B.A. ’76, Westminster, served as executive director of the National Bison 协会 from 2001 to 2022, where they helped lead the campaign to win Congressional authorization to designate bison as the National Mammal of the United States. 


    Congratulations to the Class of 1974 for reaching their 50th Class Year Anniversary. We are excited to welcome you home to UNC September 27-28, 2024. 如果你是会员 of the Class of 1974 and have an interest in helping plan this year’s reunion, please reach out to the 校友 协会 alumni@unco.Edu或970-351-2551.

  • 80s

    Kendall Fay, B.S. ’82, Littleton, celebrated her 10-year anniversary as a solution architect for Datavail, a Colorado-based IT services company. 

    Leanne Alarid, B.A. ’89, Santa Teresa, New Mexico, was awarded the Peter Lejins 研究 Award by the American Correctional 协会 for research contributions in prisons, 2023年入狱,缓刑和假释. 

  • 90s

    Alana Johnson, B.A. ’97, Columbia, Maryland, celebrated her fifth year at NASA, her “NASAversary,” and currently serves as a Senior Communications Specialist. 

    乔·帕尔默,B.S. ’97, Aurora, completed his doctorate in November 2023 and was promoted to assistant professor and director of Clinical Education for the University of Colorado’s Doctor of Physical Therapy Program 与in the CU School of Medicine. 

    纳尔逊·亨利,M.P.H. ’98, Denver, retired from the Denver Police Department after 服务31年.

  • 00s

    杰斯·瓦格纳,B.S. ’01, Edina, Minnesota, was recently appointed president and CEO of a farm credit cooperative serving and supporting agriculture and rural communities. 

    洛里·洛佩兹,B.A. 06年,朗蒙特,圣. Vrain Valley学校2023教师 年度大奖. 

    亚伦·卢塞罗,B.S. ’09, Pueblo, celebrated eight years of employment 与 Pueblo Community College and was awarded Employee of the Year for APT Employees. 

  • 10s

    埃里克·帕尔默,M.A. ’13, Alamosa, published their first book, Static Lines: Letters from a Kansas City Paratrooper, the true story of a World War II paratrooper. 

    Scott Schmaltz, B.A. ’14, B.S. ’14, Chicago, Illinois, started a new role as manager of Market Intel and Customer Experience at Cintas. 

    梅森·沃尔特,B.S. 14年,斯塔克维尔,密西西比州., was hired as Mississippi State football’s 新任足球运动科学部主任. This is the next step in Walter’s impressive career which includes working 与 29 combat and acrobat Team USA Olympic and Paralympic 团队. 

    阿曼达·安德鲁斯,B.A. ’18, Atlanta, Georgia, after working in public radio for several years, had stories published and shared nationally on NPR. 

    凯文·埃利斯,B.A. ’18, Minneapolis, Minnesota, began a new role as program manager for Grid Catalyst, a clean energy accelerator focused on northern climate solutions. 


    特雷弗·安德森,B.S. 1818年,奥布里·威尔斯,B.A. 他们于5月10日在纪念碑结婚. The pair met in 2016 while Anderson studied Recreation, Tourism, Hospitality and Wells studied Criminology and Criminal Justice, and Psychology at UNC. 安德森和威尔斯 lead amazing careers since graduating and will go on to share an amazing life together. Congratulations to the couple who sent along a wedding invitation to the UNC 校友 协会!

    Wedding invitation and letter from Aubrey Wells and Trevor Anderson.

  • 20s

    扎克瑞·拉基,B.S. ’20, Bozeman, Montana, gave a presentation on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) LiDAR and FMCW digital holography for long-range, three-dimensional, coherent imaging at Photonics West 2024, a globally recognized event held in San Francisco attracting over 24,000 optics and photonics professionals from more than 70 countries. He will publish a paper on that topic and graduate 与 his master’s of Optics and 蒙大拿州立大学光子学. 

    奥斯卡·惠特尼,B.A. ’21, New York City, New York, is making their Broadway debut this spring in Alicia Keys’ new musical, Hell’s Kitchen, at the Shubert Theater. 

    劳伦·德里克,M.A. ’21, Villa Rica, Georgia, passed the exam necessary to become 董事会认证的行为分析师. 

    玛丽·克拉克斯顿,m.m.M. ’21, Greeley, was recently promoted to director of Teaching and Learning for Music Will, a nonprofit that serves music educators and their students. 
    吉姆·奥伯兰德博士.D. ’23, Bowling Green, Ohio, after completing their doctoral degree, moved into an administrative director role at the University of Toledo.